10 Ways to Increase Sales on Your Jewelry Website


10 Ways to Increase Sales on Your Jewelry Website

A website store often needs to try out a number of different things before it can see an increase in sales. Unlike traditional marketing and dealings, online businesses and stores have the chance to experiment with a number of different things for the purpose of increasing sales. Here’s 10 ways a jewelry website can increase its sales:

Make Site Navigation Better: Many e-commerce websites have a navigation system that helps users find different products and items. However, the navigation system can often be intrusive to user experience. Studies have shown that optimizing a website navigation system can help to increase sales. According to one of them, simply removing the top and sidebar navigation fields increased the sales of websites by 10% on average.

Make Headlines Clear: The public has too much to do and they rarely take the time to read the text found on many websites. In order to hook your customers, you need to make your headlines clear and concise. They should tell the people exactly what they’re getting.

Be Honest in Sales: Customers these days rarely fall for marketing tactics. They want to know exactly what they’re buying and why they’re paying a certain amount for it. Being honest in your sales copy is bound to get you the interest of more customers.

Use Personalized Messages to Create Urgency: Although cheap marketing won’t help you, creating a sense of urgency via personalized call to action messages will. You can use those messages to get your customers to click where you want them to click and interact with your website.

Display Customer Testimonials: In today’s world, the only word that customers trust most is what’s said by one of their own. Showing off customer testimonials on your website is bound to bring you trust. As per studies, over 50 product reviews have shown to increase the sales of an online store by 5-10%.

Engage More People Through Social Media: Social media offers online jewelry stores a great opportunity to market to a wide number of people while also choosing exactly who you are marketing to. Make the most of Facebook Ads and reach the people who are interested in what you offer.

Offer Guarantees: Make sure that you make the customer feel that your offers are tuned to their needs. Money back guarantees are something that many people appreciate when dealing with online stores.

Offer Multiple Payment Options: Sometimes people ready to purchase something do not agree with the payment options provided. To appease anyone and everyone, you need to offer as many payment options as possible on your jewelry store.

Offer Fewer Products: A smaller number of products allows the customers to choose quickly and be sure about their choice. It leads to less confusion and doubt on the end of the customers and ensures that deals don’t go sour.

Show Credentials: Displaying product approval badges or certified recognition awards can help sway customers towards your products. Bag Servant, an online store, saw a mammoth 72% in sales after they featured an award that they had won.

Onur Anar, MBA